Hanafi and Maliki Fiqh II - Zakah, Sawm, and Hajj
In these courses students will cover the basic rulings of zakah, sawm, and hajj according to the madhhab of their choice.
Hanafi fiqh is taught by Shaykh Jamaal Diwan.
Maliki fiqh is taught by Shaykh Fouad Elgohari.
This course is a continuation of the previous fiqh course and the previous course should be completed before embarking on this one.
Example Curriculum
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- Hanafi Fiqh II - 01 - Zakah (21:39)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 02 - Zakah - Wealth Capable of Growth (17:10)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 03 - Zakah - Proper Amounts to Give (20:56)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 04 - Sawm (15:57)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 05 - Sawm - Sighting the New Moon (16:04)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 06 - Sawm - Things That Do Not Break the Fast (17:51)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 07 - Sawm - Voluntary Fasting to End of Chapter (14:10)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 08 - Hajj - Hajj and Umrah (15:25)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 09 - Hajj - Fard Elements of Hajj (19:40)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 10 - Hajj - Wajib and Sunnah of Tawaf (8:18)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 11 - Hajj - Wajib and Sunnah of Hajj (14:37)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 12 - Hajj - Unlawful and Permissible Actions in Ihram (13:27)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 13 - Hajj - Failing to Wear Ihram and Other Violations (19:04)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 14 - Hajj - Description of Umrah and Hajj (24:38)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 15 - Hajj - How the Prophet Performed Hajj (14:38)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 16 - Hajj - Visiting the City of the Prophet (15:59)
- Hanafi Fiqh II - 17 - Hajj - On Returning Home and Innovations (9:42)
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- Menstruation & Postpartum Bleeding (22:01)
- Book of Salah (Prostration of Forgetfulness) (22:43)
- Book of Zakah (Part I) (29:17)
- Book of Zakah (Part II - Livestock) (13:38)
- Book of Zakah (Part III - Proper Calculation) (17:35)
- Book of Zakah (Part IV - Categories of Zakah Recipients) (13:50)
- Book of Zakah (Part V - Zakat al-Fitr) (9:17)
- Book of Fasting (Part I - Introduction & Moon-Sighting) (20:17)
- Book of Fasting (Part II - Conditions & Rules) (20:05)
- Book of Fasting (Part III - Rules & Conclusion) (9:53)
- Book of Hajj (Part I - Pillars & Obligations) (27:40)
- Book of Hajj (Part II - Ihram, Entering Mecca, Tawwaf) (21:01)
- Book of Hajj (Part III - Sa'ī) (11:39)
- Book of Hajj (Part IV) (25:51)
- Book of Hajj (Conclusion) (10:54)