Art of Community
In this course Shaykha Muslema will walk us through Imam al-Sha'rani's "Adab al-Suhbah." This text provides a foundation of principles that serves as the bedrock of community.
The key to successful community work is a high commitment to manners and treating people in a way that engenders love and fellowship. al-Sha'rani's work provides the framework for how we do that.
Example Curriculum
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- The Art of Community - 01 - Introduction (29:03)
- The Art of Community - 02 - Hadith on the Merits of Suhbah Part 1 (42:03)
- The Art of Community - 03 - Hadith on the Merits of Suhbah Part 2 (29:18)
- The Art of Community - 04 - Statements of Scholars on the Merits of Suhbah (33:33)
- The Art of Community - 05 - The Rights of Companionship: Overlooking Defects (38:35)
- The Art of Community - 06 - Rights Continued: Not Dishonoring Someone over a Sin (34:19)
- The Art of Community - 07 - Rights Continued: Respecting Others (37:25)
- The Art of Community - 08 - Rights Continued: When Meeting Others (37:00)
- The Art of Community - 09 - Rights Continued: Reconciliation (41:15)
- The Art of Community - 10 - Rights Continued: Bidding Farewell When Travelling (41:02)
- The Art of Community - 11 - Rights Continued: Defending Another's Reputation (44:10)
- The Art of Community - 12 - Rights Continued: Preventing Others from Expressing their Spiritual Status (40:25)
- The Art of Community - 13 - Rights Completed: Not Reminding of Favors (23:48)
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