Hanafi and Maliki Fiqh 1
This course will cover purification and prayer according to the Hanafi and Maliki madhhabs.
Both are available through this course, but the student should pick one and focus on that.
Hanafi fiqh is taught by Sh. Jamaal Diwan and Maliki fiqh is taught by Sh. Fouad Elgohari
Example Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
- Some Opening Remarks (13:03)
- A Very Brief Overview of the Madhhab (13:33)
- Rulings in General
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 01 - Taharah and Kinds of Impurities (17:41)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 02 - Excusable Amounts of Impurity, Removing Impurities (21:02)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 03 - Permissible Water for Purification (13:04)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 04 - Wudu/Ablution (9:11)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 05 - Conditions that Render Wudu Void, Makruh in Wudu, Footgear (14:36)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 06 - Ghusl and Tayammum (18:01)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 07 - Hayd, Nifas, and Istihadah (10:00)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 08 - Importance of Prayer, Timings of Prayer (17:44)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 09 - Adhan, Preconditions of Prayer, Pillars of Prayer (20:47)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 10 - Wajib Elements of Prayer, Most Suitable Imam (18:43)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 11 - The Description of Prayer (15:47)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 12 - Losing Wudu in Prayer, Qada Prayer (16:40)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 13 - What Invalidates Prayer and What is Disliked in Prayer (15:31)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 14 - Prayer of the Sick and Prayer of the Traveler (16:17)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 15 - Jumuah Prayer and Wajib Prayers (18:11)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 16 - Sunnah Prayers (25:07)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 17 - Janazah and Burial (14:09)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - 18 - Shahid and Graves (10:17)
- Essential Islamic Knowledge - FINAL
Available in
after you enroll
- Opening Remarks on Islamic Law (24:08)
- Foundations of the madhhab (23:38)
- Legal Responsibility (taklīf) & Rulings (22:35)
- Ṭahārah & Types of Impurities (18:04)
- Section on Wudu/Ablution (22:41)
- Section on Ghusl (20:14)
- Section on Tayammum (Earth Ablution) (27:43)
- Book of Salah (Obligations of Prayer) (15:33)
- Book of Salah (Conditions of Prayer) (32:59)
- Book of Salah (Sunnah & Mandubat of Prayer) (26:44)
- Book of Salah (Prayer While Traveling) (16:30)
- Book of Salah (Recommended Acts of Prayer / Sadl) (28:09)
- Book of Salah (Mandubāt & Makruhāt) (16:13)
- Book of Salah (Prayer Times) (21:17)
- Book of Salah (Farḍ Ayn | Farḍ Kifayah & Janazah) (22:37)
- Book of Salah (Sunnah, Raghibah & Nafilah Prayers) (14:10)