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AIM 02 - Creedal Theology: What We Believe and Why
Some opening remarks (2:16)
Creed of Oneness
Introductions | The Foundations of dīn (islām, īmān, & iḥsān) (26:15)
The Ten Foundations of Creed (43:19)
Biography of Imam al-Dardīr/Epistemology/Existence of God (44:52)
The Necessary Attributes of God (Self Attribute) (30:48)
The Necessary Attributes of God (Negation/Positive Attributes) (32:46)
Prophetology (Nubuwwāt) (30:21)
Revealed Doctrines (Samʿiyyāt) I (30:56)
Revealed Doctrines (Samʿiyyāt) II (38:53)
The Necessary Attributes of God (Self Attribute)
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